IELTS exam preparation course in Letterkenny

Did you know that more than three million people take the IELTS exam every year? It is also accepted by more than 11,000 schools, employers and immigration authorities. Do you want to prepare yourself better? Find out how LinguaProf can support you!

Why choose preparation courses at LinguaProf in Letterkenny?

LinguaProf is a platform designed to help people in need of guidance. Here are some of the advantages:

  • Offers personalised lessons for each student
  • You can enjoy secure payment
  • You can take classes both online and offline
  • You can take private lessons as well as group lessons
  • You can choose the topics that interest you
  • You can request extra homework and exercises
  • All our teachers are experienced professionals

What does the IELTS exam involve?

The IELTS exam is an English language test for your study, work and when you want to migrate. It is taken by more than 3 million people every year and accepted by more than 11,000 employers, schools and immigration authorities.

What does the preparation class at LingauProf in Letterkenny look like?

Each lesson is a personalised lesson, which means that the student himself indicates what he definitely wants to see covered. We sum up a number of topics:

  • Learning a lot of English terms
  • Extra exercises based on the different parts of the IELTS exam
  • Do a practice test with you
  • Making sure you know how the IELTS exam is set up
  • And more...

Which parts does the IELTS exam consist of?

The IELTS exam consists of the following four parts:

  • Writing
  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Reading

How can you keep practising after the lessons with LinguaProf?

The tutors of LinguaProf give some tips on what you can do after the lessons to keep yourself busy:

  • Test yourself with practice questions
  • Record yourself practising the conversation part
  • Check your bookcase
  • Take the time to learn all about the IELTS test in terms of format and duration
  • Keep your general English up to date

Don't wait any longer! Let LinguaProf help you prepare for the IELTS exam!

Make a free registration, create your profile on LinguaProf and following these steps:

  1. Sign up for free
  2. Create your account
  3. Write what you need
  4. Wait until we assign the perfect tutor
  5. Start your lesson with LinguaProf!

Finding a quality teacher has never been this easy!

3 simple steps to start your lessons!

1. Sign up for free

Describe your request and learning goals. Sign up in group or individually.

2. Choose between private lessons or join a group

You can join an existing learning group on your level or get a tailored lesson plan.

3. Start your lessons

After your first trial lesson you can decide whether or not to continue your lessons.

Start your lessons today!

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  • Verified teachers
  • See teacher reviews
  • Flexible lessons and appointments

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